1. Set up an Azure Digital Twins service instance and give yourself appropriate permissions (e.g. *Azure Digital Twins Owner*). For instructions, please see the following how-to article:
*[Set up an Azure Digital Twins instance and authentication](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/digital-twins/how-to-set-up-instance-portal)
1. When running locally, adt-explorer will use Azure default credentials. In order to authenticate, you can run, for example, **az login** in any command prompt. When you later run adt-explorer, it will pick up the credentials. Alternatively, you can sign into Visual Studio Code.
1. Select the **Download ZIP** button to download a .zip file of this sample code to your machine. Unzip the **Azure_Digital_Twins__ADT__explorer.zip** folder, and extract the files.
1. From a command prompt in the `client/src` folder, run `npm install`. This will retrieve all dependencies
1. From the same command prompt, run `npm run start`.
> By default, the app runs on port 3000. To customize the port, change the run command. For example, to use port 8080:
>* Linux/Mac (Bash): `PORT=8080 npm run start`
>* Windows (cmd): `set PORT=8080 && npm run start`
> Note: Your ADT app registration must have a reply URL using the same port you are using - e.g. localhost:7000 if that is the port you are using.
1. Your browser should open and the app should appear.